Friday, June 14, 2013

Illustration Master Class 2013

Illustration Master Class is a summer workshop that takes place in Amherst, Massachusetts for artists in the field of imaginative realism.

(Link to video) Students paint in both traditional and digital media under the guidance of 15 faculty members, including (in order of appearance in the video): Rebecca Guay at 00:16, Dan Dos Santos & me painting at 00:26, Greg Manchess at 2:04, and Donato Giancola at 2:14. This year, the faculty also included Irene Gallo, Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Scott Fischer, Iain McCaig, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Mo Willems, and Peter de Sève. 

Thank you to all the students, too many to name here—for your many kindnesses—and for your bravery and your commitment to your vision.

To break up the long hours of work, there are lots of lectures and demos. Beside mine on the left is one by Iain McCaig in watercolor, Greg Manchess in pencil, and Dan Dos Santos in oil.
My demo was in casein, mostly painted with a half inch flat brush and a size 6 watercolor round in a Moleskine A4 watercolor journal. As I recall, I was using a limited palette of golden ochre, light red, raw umber, cobalt blue and white.

I was trying to go for that '60s look that the model Kita conveyed to me with her flaring collar and that nifty hairdo, which reminded me of Wilma from the Flintstones or Jane from the Jetsons.

For my fellow camera geeks, the video includes time lapse shots made with a GoPro camera set at five second intervals. It's mounted on a rotating kitchen timer.

The camera and timer are attached to a DIY motion control dolly pulled on a string by a geared-down Lego motor. It takes seven minutes to travel the length of the track.


  1. Thanks James, this is great for those of us who can't be there.

  2. Tom Fägrell detected at 1:52! Stockholm Sketchjam represent!

    Thanks for putting this together, James. It looks like so much fun, especially with your little cambots capturing the action... "Where does he get all those wonderful toys?"

  3. Oh, thanks for posting James. I sure miss IMC, and all those wonderful people involved. xxx

  4. James, we went over to see the exhibits in the college's natural history museum and one of the folks there said she'd been to one of your talks (in Ithaca?)--and enjoyed it very much, although she didn't know anything about SF/F and couldn't relate to us on that level. --Wonderful to see you again! ^__^

  5. Aaaaargh I want to be there so bad!!
    It´s kind of hard for me to attend to these kind of things considering I´m in Argentina haha
    Nevertheless it still is fantastic to see al the great things that are being done over there.
    Huge fan of your blog James. I follow it, as well as muddy colors, daily.
    I´ve learned a lot thanks to you.

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