Monday, June 24, 2013

The Rooster and the Hen

"The rooster does all the crowing, but it is the hen that lays the eggs." —Kansas City newspaper, 1904.

Read variations on that line at "Quote Investigator: Dedicated to Tracing Quotations."


  1. Hay what gives? I thought I was going to see your little buddy draw?
    I clicked on the vid link.
    Still love the cute vid. I miss my own budgie buddies of the past and my cockatiels. They were a real hoot.

    Oh and love the chicken/rooster drawings. They remind me of my mother. She also has a personality to match. Coincidentally her b-day is coming up in August too hummmmm. ;)

  2. Chickens are really hard to draw from life. The don't sit still even for a second. You really gotta use memory. Big general shapes is the key.....

  3. Simone, you got that right. I have my best luck drawing them at the county fair, when they're presented at eye level in small cages. You can get right up to them and they often hold really still.

  4. Great rhythm in those drawings


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