Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sargent watercolor discussion

The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has released a fascinating hour-long video relating to its "John Singer Sargent Watercolors" exhibition. The video is a conversation between co-curator Erica Hirshler and Sargent's grandnephew Richard Ormond, who probably knows more about Sargent than anyone else on the planet. At 48 minutes into the hour Mr. Ormond shares some insights into photos of Sargent's studio. (Link to video) The exhibition will continue through January 20, and there's an excellent catalog of the show.


  1. Happy new year to you and yours, Jim. I have been enriched by your blog in 2013 and I look forward to following your posts in 2014.

  2. I was going to ask about what you said about Sargent's watercolors the day before yeasterday. Perharps i'll find the answer there. Thanks for this post and happy new year!

  3. Thank you, David. Your blog Illustration Art is one of the shining jewels of the internet.

    Emanuele, yes, sorry that comment about Sargent was a little cryptic. I have a post about Sargent's watercolor technique and a review of the exhibition coming up sometime in the next week or so.

  4. Thank You for the link. I myself have been struggling and working on my watercolors. I found the discussion interesting and the hour just flew...

  5. Thank you so much for posting this. Having read Mr. Ormond's words for so many years I found it fascinating to hear him speak.

    Happy New Year to you James, your family, and all Gurney Journey readers!

  6. This was a wonderful lecture. As I recall, after the mural comment, that the BFA has an incredible mural by Sargent. He really could do it all.

    Anyways, this made my day and the anecdotal stories shared by Sargent's nephew (great\grand?) made this all the more enjoyable


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