Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dinotopia Podcast, Episode 1

Every Tuesday for the next three months here on GurneyJourney I'll be sharing a new episode of an audio presentation of Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time. To listen, click the orange play button below, or follow the link to the SoundCloud file. 

This acoustic adventure by the ZBS Foundation uses a full cast of actors, sound effects, and an original music track by composer Tim Clark to bring the world of humans and dinosaurs to life before your ears.

I was always a fan of Tom Lopez, the guy behind ZBS. He created Ruby the Galactic Gumshoe, which I loved when I first discovered it on late night radio. Eastman-trained Tim Clark has played everything from the Moog synthesizer to the washtub bass.

When I wrote and illustrated the book, it seemed like a silent movie on the book page. But this production opens the gates of the imagination, complete with tambourines, trumpets, rumbles, hoots, roars and laughter.

The adventure begins with the shipwreck of Arthur and Will Denison on the shores of a mysterious island in 1862...

...and their arrival at a strange egg hatchery, where they meet humans who seem entirely comfortable with living among the saurian giants.

The Podcast Series
Episode 2 arrives one week from today— Tuesday, November 18. Tell your friends, and be sure to come back each week. That way you'll be able to hear the whole production for free.

But each 10-minute episode will only remain available online for one week, after which it will disappear like a mirage.

If you'd like to purchase the full two-hour Dinotopia podcast right now and hear all 12 episodes back to back in a feature-length production, check out Dinotopia at ZBS Foundation website for the MP3 download.

Here's the link to the SoundCloud file (which vaporizes November 18).

You can also order the original book from my web store and I'll sign it for you. It's the ultimate holiday gift for the imaginative person in your life. (US orders only for the book, please).


  1. This was wonderful. Can't wait to hear the others!

    Thanks so much for you generous spirit of sharing.

  2. You're in good company, Jim. I spent many enjoyable hours listening to Ruby and Jack Flanders in the somewhat distant past--the 80s? On our local NPR station. Looking forward to Tuesday mornings for the next few months........

  3. That was AWESOME! It was wonderful to have Dinotopia come alive in such an effective (and somewhat antique) fashion. Sometimes there's nothing better for the imagination than a well done radio show.

  4. I've loved ZBS Media since I heard Moon Over Morroco and The Further Adventures of Jack Flanders. I'm so glad to know they're still around!

  5. What a treat! Now I am really drawn to wait with the books and let my imagination have a shot first.

  6. This was really wonderful to hear the world of Dinotopia come alive in such a way. I love how he fleshed out the conversations that are only hinted at or summed up in the books. The voice acting is delightful. I also love how this episode really conveyed the feeling of being shipwrecked on an island where almost everyone else speaks a foreign language - very isolating but also charming and intriguing to hear the background conversation during the breakfast scene. Can't wait to hear more!

  7. Thanks, Gina, I agree. Tom Lopez and the ZBS voice actors (and Tim Clark's music) really brought the world to life.

    If you liked the first episode, wait until you hear the next installment. The copro carter conversation is wonderful.

    James G.

  8. I have the CDs I was worried that they would no longer be available. I check the Dinotopia store and was glad to see they were still there.

  9. Is this episode no longer available?

  10. Benjamin, yes, we're only leaving the free episodes up for a week, then they're removed.


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