Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dear Santa Claus, from Jimmy the Reindeer

"Dear Santa Claus,
I want Willie the missile man, & BasketBall, FootBall Kicking Set, Bowling Ball, & Chevrolet stingray, & stuffed animal. Dog, & Master Pogo stick.
Sincerely yours, Jim GuRNEy"
(December 1964, age 6, on the left)


  1. Dear James Gurney, I wish you a very sincere and happy Merry Christmas and New year.I am glad that I am a subscriber of your blog post.You are a great artist..

  2. Thanks for being generous in sharing your artistic output.

  3. Merry Christmas! I hope you had a lovely day!

    How fun to still have a "Dear Santa" list from days gone by like that! So, I hope you were on Santa's good list and ended up with some of the loot on your list! ;)

    Thanks for all the invaluable information you share on your blog. It is very much appreciated!

  4. Adorable!

    Dear Santa,
    Please send me even the smallest amount art skill, like the artist James Gurney has. Thank you. May 2014


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