Thursday, January 1, 2015

Escaping our Borders

Winsor McCay, "How He Escaped from His Border"
On this bright new day of 2015, let me offer my hearty wishes to each and every GurneyJourneyer. May we all escape from our borders—from whatever confines or limits us—and leap bravely into new dimensions.


  1. Great sentiment, Jim. I love Windsor McKay. Many thanks for the effort you put into this blog. It is a constant source of inspiration.

  2. Sometimes words alone cannot communicate as effectively. Thank you Jim for being a hero: not because you wanted to but just because that's what you are to us.

  3. Thank you for your New Year wishes. I have just finished reading "Color and Light", the most helpful book on art I've ever read. Terribly glad I discovered you, it and your blog.

  4. Happy New Year! Thank you for all the work you do to bring us such great, informative posts! May 2015 be a year filled with hope and happiness!

  5. Thanks James, That's a great New Year's wish and a great cartoon.


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