Thursday, August 13, 2015

Twitter Fun

I'm excited to pass the 1000 followers mark on Twitter, especially since I only very recently tried it out. 

The content that I put there is sometimes a little different from what I put out on Facebook and the blog. Below are the most recent tweets. 

  1. ART TIP: Just have one accent area of light. Two areas divides the power by half. More than two drains the life out.
  2. ART TIP: The shadow area and the illuminated area look best if there's a contrast of color temperature as well as of value.

If you do Twitter, please follow me @GurneyJourney.  


  1. Congrats! Are you on Instagram as well? I've just signed up within the last two weeks or so, and I've been pretty impressed with the artistic community which is thriving there (latecomer I know). There are limitations to the service—especially if you wish to do a lot of things from your desktop—but overall it's wonderfully simple, and it's overwhelmingly image/photo/art centric. Looks like you have quite a few fans there also:

  2. Hi there James,

    Some of us here in New Zealand have in the past posted on your brother Dans Blog and he has posted on our respective Blogs. None of us have heard from him for a while and we were wondering if he is Ok?..... We are aware that he had a heart operation not so long ago (It happens at our ages, I myself are a couple of years out from a quadruple heart bypass operation)...... and we would be most grateful if you could let us know how he is.

    Cheers - Alden Smith

  3. Alden, thanks for asking. He's doing great after his procedure, kayaking, hiking, and enjoying retirement. I think he just hasn't had much time for the computer.

  4. Finally, a reason to get back on Twitter :)

  5. James, thanks for that information. I will pass it on to a couple of other inquiring Bloggers.

    Kind Regards - Alden


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