Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Spectrum Deadline Coming January 25

If you create imaginative realism, such as fantasy, science fiction, comics, concept art, or gallery art, I recommend entering your work in the annual showcase of Spectrum Fantastic Art.

The judges for the next Spectrum will include some of the top imaginative creators in the field, including: David Palumbo, Cynthia Sheppard, Kirk Thatcher, Charlie Wen, and Terryl Whitlatch.

The entry fees are very reasonable, and the deadline is January 25, less than two weeks away. Here's the entry information. And here's more about Spectrum.


  1. Looking at what gets into Spectrum over the years it seems to me that there is a strong preference for beautiful, scantily clad women in sexy settings. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at that.

  2. Artists should boycott Spectrum, a magazine where you PAY for them to use your work and get even more money? That's just bullshit. I would never pay someone just to show others what I do and sell a product using what I created, I know exposure is a good thing, but this is just ridiculous.

  3. Pyracantha, I've heard the "chicks and guns" criticism, but we artists should remember that if we want to see Spectrum reflect a different sort of art, it's up to us to submit it. The jury is diverse, and unlike many juried competitions, the jury changes from year to year. If you've got something different from "scantily clad women in sexy settings," and it's well done, there's a very good chance the jury will think so too.

    Guilherme, I understand what you're saying. I generally avoid pay-to-play art competitions, and I have turned down offers to reproduce my art in books for no payment. Generally I license those rights for a reasonable fee. But Spectrum is different, because they're a juried annual, and their purpose is simply to promote and support fantastic art. I can guarantee you that the people involved aren't in it for the money and they do it totally as a labor of love. There would never be a fantasy annual book if they didn't charge something for entry fees. From the artist's point of view, the fees are $20 for a single piece and $40 for a series of 5 or fewer related pieces, and there's no "hanging fee" or other fee once your work is accepted. If any one of your entries is chosen, you receive a complimentary copy of the full color oversize book shipped to you for free. This is a good bargain, considering the book itself retails for $45, and shipping fees overseas can often equal the cost of a book.


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