Sunday, March 26, 2017

Flurry Effect

Animator Dave Tendlar invented what he called the "Flurry Effect" in 1935 for a Fleischer / Popeye short called Choose Your 'Weppins.'

(Skip ahead to 4:58) The idea is to fill the air with such a profusion of fragmented elements that you can't tell what phase of the action you're looking at.

The Road Runner / Wile E. Coyote cartoons that Chuck Jones directed for Warner Brothers played with the same idea.

The flurry frames stay on the screen for just a fraction of a second, long enough to give the viewer an impression of crazy action.

Previous Posts:
Getting Blur into Stop Motion
Elongated In Betweens


  1. I has the same type of reaction watching those freeze frames of the coyote growing up. I figured that's what humans would look like if you could freeze frame a film of someone running. Then Muybridge came along and the dream died.

  2. Eric Goldberg, in his excellent book Character Animation Crash Course, talks about these (which he refers to as "multiple" drawings) and even references the coyote multiples specifically.

  3. Italian futurists explored this about 20 years prior

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