Saturday, June 24, 2017

Exhibit of Courtroom Art

Tom Girardi with beating victim Bryan Stow by Bill Robles.
An exhibit in Washington called "Drawing Justice" examines the work of courtroom artists.
"The nearly 100-work exhibit will feature historic sketches such as Howard Brodie’s drawing of Jack Ruby at his sentencing for killing Lee Harvey Oswald; Marilyn Church’s trial drawing of Martha Stewart; Pat Lopez’s capturing of a nervous Ken Lay looking at evidence during the Enron trial; Bill Robles’s drawing of the haunting, dead-eyed Charles Manson on the witness stand; and Joseph Papin’s image of “Son of Sam” murderer David Berkowitz in mental anguish." Read the rest at The Washington Post. 
The exhibition will be at the Library of Congress in Washington through October 28.
Article about the show in Columbia Journalism Review
Related: Sketch artist recreates Sean Spicer briefing after White House camera ban


  1. I don't know if it's the same in the US but here, in the UK, courtroom artists are not allowed to sit and sketch the scene or members of the court as it happens, as it's felt that it would be quite unnerving for a person in the dock to be stared at by an artist (as if just being there wouldn't be unnerving enough). Instead, the artist has to watch for a few minutes, and then retreat to the corridor to sketch from memory.
    It's amazing how accurate, and life-like, some of these drawings are, when you take this into consideration.

  2. There really is a time constraint - this is sketching at it's best!

    And each one of these courtroom artists has got a style of his own, it seems to me.

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