Friday, August 4, 2017

Zig-Zags at the Zoo

Zig Zags at the Zoo was a lighthearted illustrated feature that appeared in London's Strand Magazine in the 1890s.

The articles were written by Arthur Morrison and illustrated by James Affleck Shepherd. Each article featured a different animal, such as a bear (above), lion, camel, simian, and fish.

Like the work of T. S. Sullivant and Heinrich Kley, Shepherd's drawings show the animals in different anthropomorphic guises, clearly based on observation.
Find Out More
Zig Zags at the Zoo Strand Magazine (free download at
All the articles collected on Project Gutenberg
J.A. Shepherd in the blog Yesterday's Papers
Series on Anthropomorphism on GurneyJourney


  1. I hadn't seen Part 1 in your series until now. And to update what has been discovered about bird intelligence, read Jennifer Ackerman's, "The Genius of Birds", and check out the video of OO7, the New Caledonia Crow performing complex problem solving. Seems humans and birds aren't that far apart after all.



  2. Mr. Gurney, thank you for this wonderful post. Do you know if William James Affleck Shepherd was
    any relation to Ernest H. Shepherd? Their styles are so very similar, identical surname notwithstanding.

    This was an excellent resource in so many ways. As always you delight and educate.


  3. Found your post on this by accident. The articles were compiled into a book before the plates were melted down to be reused. Took me about 30-years to track down a copy so if you can't find the book then you can find reference for all the articles here:


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