Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Waterfall City demo

Here's the demo painting of Waterfall City, painted while looking at a rough maquette. 

I did the painting for a workshop audience at IMC (Illustration Master Class) in Amherst last week. (Link to video on Facebook)

Photo: Irene Gallo
Total time: 1.5 hours.
Camera: Canon M6 camera positioned on second tripod.
Medium: Casein over a green-gray casein underpainting in a Pentalic sketchbook.
Colors: White, light red, yellow ochre, ultramarine blue.
Final glaze: Payne's gray watercolor with acrylic medium.
Varnish: Acrylic spray Crystal clear.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful demo Mr. Gurney -
    You do make it look clear and relatively simple. May I ask you a question please? I need a bright white illustration board with a relatively high surface. It seems Crescent has recently changed their formula for their boards and it was like painting on paper towel. A bit shocking after working on a slicker surface that allowed for easy erasure and lifting of watercolor for so long. I thought if anyone knew if there is such a thing still out there it would be you.
    As usual - thank you for all that you share and post. And thank you for your time -
    Most sincerely and with much Aloha -
    Joanne Hopper


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