Friday, August 24, 2018

Review of "Painting Animals from Life"

I'm honored to see the thoughtful review that Charley Parker gave to "Painting Animals from Life" on the art blog 'Lines and Colors':
"It’s fascinating and instructive to see the paintings proceed from initial sketch to that indistinct state of rough shapes and then through levels of refinement. Unlike many instructional painting videos, in which the painter appears to masterfully know where every stroke will go without hesitation, Gurney lets us see a much more realistic process, in which even a highly experienced painter will search and experiment and correct in the process of finding a path to the final painting." Read the rest...


Review on "Lines and Colors"

Digital download:
69 minutes Widescreen, MP4 video. 
at Sellfy
at Gumroad 
at Cubebrush 

1 comment:

  1. thanks you for sharing your blogs i really likes your blog and its beautiful. keep posting more


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