Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Shake Your Head to Make an Image Appear

If you shake your head, an image should appear out of this illusion.
via: BoingBoing


  1. I did not shake my head yet I beheld it.

  2. Optical illusions are fun, thanks for sharing! My laptop has a rather imperfect display where its contrast varies dramatically with viewing angle. I can see the image by peering off-axis.

  3. It doesn't work very well on mobile but I can perceive the image just by unfocusing a bit.

  4. Thanks, Bob. That worked for me. When I try unfocusing, something else strange happens...the grid seems to take on a 3-D effect and advance towards me.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I’ve known people (my son-in-law) for whom the experience of having a cat appear as they shake their heads pretty well describes the situation, though the sequence may have been first the cat, then the head shake.

  7. Have to admit, saw cat first. Head shake didn't affect perception.


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