Tuesday, February 26, 2019

At the Roller Rink

It's time for some skating and sketching at the roller rink. 

I'm trying a technique in gouache where I paint the dark silhouette first, and then lighten up the forms. 


  1. I have a funny feeling the next sketchbook page will involve a dinosaur on roller skates playing the violin.

  2. That pose is great !

    Caution ! Master at work !

  3. Always a delight to see your work. Cheerio jada

  4. How do you like the new process? Is there a reason to do it beyond experimentation?

  5. Can you elaborate a bit on the process James?

  6. I like this process, which obviously works for isolated figures but can work in other contexts as well. It forces you to make the subject "read" in silhouette which makes for a stronger pose. I'll definitely try this out soon!

  7. Pierre, yes, that's what I was thinking when I did this. I was largely inventing this figure, as people were zooming by so fast. So I painted the silhouette to see if it worked, then "lit it up" by painting the local color.


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