Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Siggraph Previews Photo-Real Computer Graphics

Every summer when computer graphics experts gather at Siggraph, they reveal new technical breakthroughs. (Link to video on YouTube)

This year's preview video reveals realistic simulations of goopy frosting, ferrofluids, and human anatomy. It will be possible to change the lighting in photos, graft an art style onto a captured video, and seamlessly change what a talking head is saying by editing a text transcript.

Silly Rubber, viscoelastic and elastoplastic material
by Fang, Li, Gao, Jiang
These technical innovations will find their way into the visual effects that you will see in TV commercials, movies, and eventually consumer graphics programs.
Siggraph 2019 will 28 July - 1 August in Los Angeles

1 comment:

  1. Maybe these technological innovations, one a more or less utopian day, will also find their animating way into Dinotopia.


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