Monday, December 23, 2019

Painting in the Alaskan Wilderness Residency Program

The Alaskan artist residency program is looking for new candidates. Here's a word from the director, Barbara Lydon:

"Greetings! We’re pleased to announce that the Voices of the Wilderness Alaskan artist residency program will be offering twelve unique opportunities sponsored by the US Forest Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and National Park Service in the summer of 2020. Each residency differs by geographic location, modes of travel, length of time and stewardship projects. Participating hosts span the state--from the Tongass National Forest in southeast Alaska to Prince William Sound in central Alaska to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the far north. Artists may kayak, motorboat, fly or hike while camping in remote areas, all the while partnered with a wilderness professional and engaged in projects that assist with resource management. Truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for twelve lucky artists (and maybe more, as some hosting areas may select more than one artist)."

"The deadline to apply is March 1, 2020. Feel free to contact me with any questions at, and also check out our website "


  1. As one who has attended this program, it provides truly fabulous opportunities. If you have any adventure in your soul, get out there. The world needs to know what we stand to lose if we don't protect our inheritance of ever dwindling wilderness.

  2. Is this available to USA citizens only, or can artists from other parts of the world also apply?


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