Monday, April 13, 2020

Interview on Your Creative Push

You're just a link away from a wide-ranging podcast interview with Youngman Brown on his show "Your Creative Push."


  1. Highly recommend this interview and Your Creative Push podcast. I just listened to this...while sketching close to home in my rural area. Thank you James for your generous insights and encouragement.

  2. I downloaded and listened to the podcast. It provides some terrific insights and the questions on both sides of the interview were well conceived. I was grateful that you asked him to define "shiny object syndrome."

  3. I enjoyed listening to the podcast. I've heard/read some things about your background. One thing that didn't come up in the podcast was your family's rich engineering background. Your mechanical abilities canbe seen in your portable easel and camera dolly. I also think that you approach illustration problems in an engineering sort of way. Im curious about any personal or family expectations you faced as a student to continue that path.

  4. Great interview, I really enjoyed it, particularly your gracious response to admiration from him (and every other aspiring artist on the planet...) thank you!

  5. Very nice interview, quite informative. Mr. Gurney I appreciate so much your willingness to share your experiences and knowledge. You are truly a modern master in your art and it is wonderful that you are so approachable. Thank you for all your videos, books, and this blog.


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