Saturday, June 13, 2020

Drawing of English Inn

In 1921 Cecil Aldin (1870-1935) sketched the Talbot Inn in pencil and watercolor. It was used as an illustration for "Old English Inns."


  1. Cecil is also known for his illustrations of his world-famous dogs Cracker and Micky
    in the wonderful book "Sleeping Partners" (1930).
    Paulo - Rio

  2. Paulo, yes, I did a post about his wonderful sleeping dog drawings:

  3. James,

    When his health began to decline, Aldin and his wife Rita moved to Majorca,
    taking Cracker and Micky with them.

    Unfortunately, Micky never really acclimatized to his new surroundings.
    He died from heart failure just a year after the move to Majorca.

    On January, 6th, 1935, while Aldin was away on a visit to London, Cracker – back home in Majorca – started to howl in a most extraordinary and unprecedented fashion. It was several hours later that the news reached Rita Aldin that her husband had died from a heart attack in the London Clinic. She could not ascribe the terrier’s behavior to anything other than a reaction to the severing of a psychic link between the man and the dog.

    Paulo - Rio

  4. James,

    When his health began to decline, Aldin and his wife Rita moved to Majorca,
    taking Cracker and Micky with them.

    Unfortunately, Micky never really acclimatized to his new surroundings.
    He died from heart failure just a year after the move to Majorca.

    On January, 6th, 1935 while Aldin was away on a visit to London, Cracker – back home in Majorca – started to howl in a most extraordinary and unprecedented fashion. It was several hours later that the news reached Rita Aldin that her husband had died from a heart attack in the London Clinic. She could not ascribe the terrier’s behavior to anything other than a reaction to the severing of a psychic link between the man and the dog.

    Paulo - Rio


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