Saturday, August 15, 2020

Deep in the Forest by Bodarevsky

Deep in the Forest by Nicholai Kornilovich Bodarevsky (1850-1921) 

A little girl is lost in the forest while gathering mushrooms. The painting is by Nicholai Kornilovich Bodarevsky (1850-1921), a Ukranian painter of historical scenes, nudes, and portraits.
See more works by him at Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Is she lost or hiding? Looks like a cottage on the left and other buildings to the right.

  2. Her face looks so wistful. Something about what he did with her eyebrows.

  3. It's beautifully executed. While I like the contrast between the girl and the forest, I wonder about the choice to make her dress "shape-weld" into the tree, not just value but hue as well. It makes it harder to read her form, but again her expression does stand out that way.

  4. It's beautifully executed. While I like the contrast between the girl and the forest, I wonder about the choice to make her dress "shape-weld" into the tree, not just value but hue as well. It makes it harder to read her form, but again her expression does stand out that way.


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