Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Etchr Lab Interview

Here's a new interview with Ânia Marcos of Etchrlab. 

Link to Etchrlab website. Watch on Youtube


  1. This was quite good. I found particularly interesting his approach to sketching people in public.

  2. This is such a wonderful interview. I loved the introductory info, and then...it wasn't just about "stuff" but there was real content here - the info about how our brains work, and the tips on practicing...

    Thank you for how much you know and how much you share.

  3. That bit about tone and color being processed in different parts of the brain is VERY useful information. I often notice that my tones in a monochrome sketch are much closer than when I do color. And I have to lay the color then go back and correct for tone more often.


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