Monday, September 21, 2020

Tour de Hudson Valley


Just a little mishap at the Pond Hazard, but I’m just one painting behind the leader. (Link to YouTube)


  1. Maestro... great video... I continued to be amazed at your creativity and droll humor; however, fyi... when I turned 64 I pulled a hernia doing yard work (been gardening for almost 50 years) and 2 years later I pulled another one lugging a 25lb guitjo (guitar / banjo) to a Dixieland gig (been playing guitar for 50 years). Please be careful and don't break or pull anything out of place during the age where the mind is still a teenager, but the body is advancing 50 years or more ahead... those surgeries cut into your overhead!

  2. That was the funniest thing I have watched in a while. Thanks for the laugh and the true words of wisdom!

  3. Somehow, this Facebook post instantly made me think of you ...:

  4. I've heard Jackson Pollock was entirely devoted to figurative painting until a spill in the pond hazard of the Tour de Hudson Valley helped him discover abstract expressionism.

  5. I must get a unicycle - That will help justify my crap paintings!

  6. Oh James! What a card ... straight face with the interview and all!

  7. I need no unicycle to let my paintings look crappy :-( Unfortunately not even abstract!

  8. You're the next gen hard-core of this old Monty Pythons skit! :


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