Friday, October 16, 2020

Spectrum 27 Flip-Through

This year's edition of Spectrum presents a juried selection of contemporary fantasy art, including dragons, warriors, monsters, trolls, angels, and dinosaurs. 

This YouTube video takes you through all 304 pages in less than a minute. 

Spectrum includes fantasy and science-fiction artwork in several categories, including book, comics, film, horror, illustration, sculpture, conceptual art, fine art and video game genres. 

Chris Dunn, illustration from Wind in the Willows 
 9x12 inches, watercolor and gouache.

While most artists create their art with digital media, there are plenty of examples painted in watercolor, gouache, and oil. The book contains 350 works by over 220 diverse artists, including Tommy Arnold, Wylie Beckert, Rovina Cai, Dan dos Santos, Jesper Ejsing, Cory Godbey, Iain McCaig, Daniel Zrom, Tran Nguyen, Greg Ruth, Cynthia Sheppard, Yuko Shimizu, Claudya Schmidt, Terryl Whitlatch, and me. 
The book releases November 10, but you can pre-order at this link: Spectrum 27: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
If you like fantasy art, you'll also enjoy the new book Enchanted: A History of Fantasy Illustration


  1. The one you highlighted from Chris Dunn has such interesting contrast between the very dull greys to the brilliant light shining through the background windows. The sense of atmosphere and depth are so well done. I can't help but wonder if he started with a toned paper or if he just built all that up from white? I also saw your tyrannosaurs family in the flip through, so fun.

  2. I found the answer to my question, he started with white paper.


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