Monday, May 3, 2021

Chicken People in Poughkeepsie

Two weeks ago there was a DNA leak from the Agricultural Biotech Lab at Varist College. They tell me that the janitorial team in Building 14 was the first to grow the comb and wattles. Everyone thought it was an IG face filter at first. They tried to cover it up, then they tried surgery, but it made it worse. Now everyone in the CheapRight Market in Poughkeepsie has got the beak and wattles, and I'm starting to grow them, too.


  1. This was a great laugh. The real question is which did you use for a model? The Chicken or the eggheads? ;)

  2. Amazing! :)

    Definitely less unsettling than the fish-people in Innsmouth, MA (courtesy of HP Lovecraft)

  3. Are they holding signs that say, “Eat more beef”?

    If you post a photo of your transformed features, we might think it’s one of your maquettes...

    Thank you for the fun!

  4. Hilarious. Great premise for a scifi story.

  5. Was it an accidental leak, or a fowl deed? ;)


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