Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Gold Bust of Almestra

Gold bust of Almestra, a Chandaran queen who married a king of Poseidos. Oil wash over pencil on illustration board.


From Dinotopia: The World Beneath, signed copies available at this link, and you can also get it on Amazon.


  1. Beautiful. At first glance, I thought it was a photo - the gold is so enchanting.

  2. Hi! As I always I photo this is a photo when I looked at it.

    I was lucky enough to get your book Color and Light for birthday last week and I would like to thank you for making this amazing book. I immediately fell in love with the book, I already tried to apply some of your advices to push myself out of my omfort zone. I can immediately see a difference in how I approach paiting.


  3. Mitch, I don't know if other people use the term this way, but for me, "oil wash" means using oil transparently, thinned down with mineral spirits and Liquin over a pencil drawing on illustration board that has been sealed with acrylic matte medium.

  4. Why did you choose to not put in really high highlights--as in white or almost white?

  5. Mark, there are some highlights in a warm white, but I was conscious of not overdoing the highlights.


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