Saturday, September 10, 2022

Using AI to Guess How a Painting Was Made

Scientists have developed machine-learning system that analyzes existing paintings and reconstructs how they might have been painted.

The authors say:
"The system, which the team calls “Timecraft,” was trained on more than 200 existing time-lapse videos that people posted online of both digital and watercolor paintings. From there, the team created a convolutional neural network that can look at a new painting that it’s never seen before, and figure out the most likely way it was created."

The study is a couple years old now, and with more extensive training data and more computer power, the results would now be a lot higher resolution and more accurate.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are keeping an eye on some art related things they're doing with AI tech; it's good to know. I do wish they would keep AI tech away from art creation. It isn't helping the world to put artists out of work!


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