Saturday, December 24, 2022

Santa Claus Print

I have a few signed and numbered artist proofs of of our sold-out Santa Claus artist's proofs available in our store.

My first idea was to paint Santa heroically standing on a rooftop next to a chimney with the elves showing him a map of the route.

Then I tried a bunch of other ideas, including supervising the elves' workshop and flying over the rooftops in his sleigh. 

Then I tried a more iconic image of him standing with the bag of toys over his shoulder, inspired by NC Wyeth, Norman Rockwell, and Haddon Sunblom (who always showed him holding up a Coke bottle).

I got our local hardware-store Santa, Harry Turra, to come over and pose in my studio. He arrived in costume and in character on a snowy night. My young sons were spellbound to meet the real Santa.

The rest of the props and setting were compiled from various homes and hotels here in my Hudson Valley hometown.

Here's the link to our store page for more information about the print.



  1. Saw the article in International Artist . . . good stuff

  2. Hope you, Jeanette all your family and everyone that visits your blog has a nice christmas and a good new year.


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