Monday, December 25, 2023

Making an Alpine Maquette

To create the painting “Thermala: Alpine Hideaway” I needed some reference for the lighting. 

I made a rough base from styrofoam, then draped some plaster-impregnated burlap over the base. 

I then built up a very rough model of an alpine castle from modeling clay and cardboard.

This was the work of no more than three hours—and I threw it out when it was finished
The painting appears in Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024.

1 comment:

  1. Hi James, is the purpose of a maquette to provide a confirmation of how lighting, back lighting and shade fall across the subject? I would think with your experience you could just wing it and come pretty close to what your maquette delivered as a guide. Just curious as the need of a model, versus an imaged scene from thought. Just curious is all


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