Friday, October 29, 2010

Lucca Demo

I'm in Lucca, Italy, at the Lucca Festival of Comics and Games. Sorry the Internet is limited where I'm staying, but here's a picture of me today, about two hours into an oil painting demo.


  1. Looks like a real beauty, Jim! Can't wait to see it finished.

  2. Climb a tower while you're there, and be sure to see Denis Medri, if he's there.

  3. I'm amazed at how far along the painting is for two hours. I'm thinking at least the drawing or underpainting had to have been done ahead of time...yes?

  4. Yes but you did get your post out today! How many is that?

  5. Lucca is lovely! I was just there in September—and I well remember the lack of internet. But Baricentro has WiFi for its customers; I posted many LJ updates from there.

    If you have time, I highly recommend renting a bike and riding the Wall. There are even some good painting spots up there; I spent a most enjoyable afternoon doing watercolors out on one of the shadier bastions during my visit.

    Anyway, I have fun!

  6. visited the exhibition in Lucca yesterday and i was really happy to see your paintings in physical form for the first time!
    Incredibly inspiring :)
    I'll be back in Lucca sunday, i'll look out for you to see if i can say hello and shake hands!

  7. Do you really stay that clean while you paint? I somehow manage to get paint on my ears, on odd spots on my clothing, and who knows where else...

  8. Please don't tell me you went from blank canvas to there in two hours!

  9. It was astounding to see that paiting come together, I could really stand there in awe for hours
    You and your wife have been so nice as well, an experience I'll hardly forget!

  10. Mr. Gurney,
    Thanks for stopping to chat with me on the stairs today, and thank you for the sketch and kind words, later, at the autograph booth. It was a real pleasure meeting you and your wife.

    When I return to Chicago in December, I’ll be starting my final semester at the American Academy of Art. I have a 12-piece illustration portfolio to compile before I graduate. As I go through that process, the memories from today will be constantly on my mind. Seeing your exhibition has given me plenty of insights and inspiration. It also taught me some valuable lessons on how to work more efficiently and intelligently. No more over-modeling for me!

    Anyway, thank you again! Best of luck with the next few days and a safe travel home!
    --Lucas Durham

  11. Two days gone by and no update on the Gurney Journey. Unprecedented. I hope all is well and it is simply an internet outage problem. My warmest wishes to you on your travels James. My daily coffee is not the same without your company :)


  12. @vicki
    I somehow manage to get paint on my ears
    I used to take this thing sort of lightly but after seeing the effects of toxicity on a certain NY paintmaker, I don't anymore.

    If you work with leads (naples, flake) cads, colbolts, vermillion, etc you need to be extremely careful.
    If you are naturally messy and don't want to change that style , then you should make sure you have the least toxic paints possible.

    Two hours! I amazed. but i think you have shown us before with a 20 minute color sketch you did- set up and preparation speed production.

  13. Thanks, everybody, and it was great to meet all of you in Lucca. By the way, for anyone interested in comics, fantasy illustration, or games, this place is absolutely inspiring. The whole Medieval walled city is full of tents and vendors and demos.

    I worked for another two hours on the painting, and will try to post an update soon. I really did get that far from blank canvas--the pencil drawing (on gessoed board) took about 20 minutes.

    I tried to pretend I was painting on location--and that's one of the benefits of plein air painting: It forces you to work very efficiently if you have to.

    I'm using a limited palette of Cad yellow, ultramarine blue, cad red, white, raw sienna, and burnt umber, which is enough for a painting like this.

    It's awesome to paint next to Phil Hale and other great painters.


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