Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fantasy Art Article

Fantasy Art Magazine from Beijing, China has just published an 8-page interview feature on my new book Color and Light.

The magazine also contains work by John Bolton, Vincent DiFate, Chris Beatrice, Christian Pearce, and Igor Grechanyk.

The image on the cover is "Alpine Princess," which I did as a portfolio piece, and was used as the cover for the science fiction novel "Zanzibar Cat" by Joanna Russ.


  1. Hey James,

    Beautiful painting, and Im glad your book is getting such wide coverage. I love my copy of Color and Light. Every artist should have a copy.

  2. I bought that book for the cover many years ago after seeing the original at a Westercon, if my memory serves me correctly. Still have the book. Still love the painting and want the critter.

  3. I really like this painting! For a change, the character is dressed according to weather conditions, unlike many fantasy artists who portray half-naked girls with massive weapons in freezing conditions. Honestly, I don't find anything attractive in that - it always invokes feelings of pity in me. :-)


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