Friday, July 8, 2011

Natural History Art: Call for Entries

A biennial international exhibition for natural history illustration called “Focus on Nature” has just posted a call for entries.

The selected entries will be exhibited in 2012 at the New York State Museum in Albany, NY. The competition is free to enter.

About Focus on Nature
Submission information and criteria
 The gouache painting here shows a Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri)
by Rodger Scott of Princess Hill , Australia
Previously on GJ: FON XI
Natural History Painting: With the Eden Project
Amazing Rare Things: The Art of Natural History in the Age of Discovery
The Art of Natural History: Illustrated Treatises and Botanical Paintings, 1400-1850 (Studies in the History of Art Series)


  1. Dear James

    I just want to thank you for your outstanding book 'Color and Light' I have just finished reading it and I am sure I will be referring to it continuously. It is an incredibly easy read and packed with so much useful information, I have learned a huge amount from it and have been greatly inspired by your marvelous work.
    I am not sure if you have a testimonial page here on your blog so I thought I would just mention this here.

    Many thanks

    James. UK

  2. I'll definitely submit a piece. Thanks, James.

  3. Thank you, James. I'm very grateful for your kind words. Jeanette deserves a lot of credit for any clarity in the writing. She went over the drafts tirelessly helping me weed out confusing stuff.

    P.T: I will, too. This exhibit is a labor of love for all the people who put it on, and the exhibiting artists are amazing.


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