Thursday, December 4, 2014

James Bagwell Conducts

Last night, James Bagwell conducted the Bard College Chamber Singers and the Symphonic Chorus in a performance of G. F. Handel's oratorio Esther.

James Bagwell, conductor, Bard College Symphonic Chorus
Bagwell spent most of the time in a resting position (leftmost pose), as the chorus waited for their parts, between the arias and recitatives, which were directed from the keyboard by Alexander Bonus.

Then he flew into action. As he lifted his arms in precisely measured movements, his fitted jacket reflected the pull of his shoulders. When the chorus declared "Pour our vengeance on our foes," he leapt up in great animation, the tails of his coat lifting up like the flounces of a lady's skirt.

I sketched from the third row, and was able to see because of the light spilling out from the stage. I used Caran d' Ache water-soluble colored pencils (#047 Bistre#037 Brown Ochre#065 Russet, and #009 Black) and two Niji water brushes (clear water and black) in a Pentalic watercolor sketchbook.
Previously on GurneyJourney:
Maestro Bagwell
James Bagwell at a Rehearsal

Previous posts on concert sketching:
The "Flash-Glance" Method
Gouache portrait of an Irish whistle player
Sketching a vocal concert  
Violinist in ink wash
Horn Player
Mirko Listening
Club Passim Gig
Shapewelding Sketching 
The Cello and the Pencil
Mass in C
Handel's Messiah


  1. My very first impression was Wilhelm Busch.
    Somewhat same/similar kind of keen observation.

    You have developed some aweful "water soluble muscles" with pen and ink during the years

  2. Thanks for the compliment, Rich. I wasn't very aware of Wilhelm Busch. Thanks for turning me on to him.

  3. I wonder if the Wilhelm Busch link below is what Rich had in mind:

  4. "Busch Virtuoso" is very precise, ha ha,
    Had a more "general" Wilhelm Busch in mind.

    Wilhelm Busch: Was wondering about the American gender "Bush"

    Some descendant line here?;-)


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