Thursday, September 10, 2020

Previews of "Triads" on YouTube this Weekend

On Saturday and Sunday at noon, California time, YouTube will premiere samples from my next Gumroad tutorial called TRIADS. Full version is 90 minutes long and it releases on Saturday morning with a 10% off sale all day Saturday. (Link to Saturday YT Premiere)


  1. I will be there, Master.
    Paulo - Rio

  2. James, will Triads be available as a DVD in your store (and when)? Also, for some time now your URL for the Dinotopia site links to your JG site. Is the Dinotopia site under construction? Thanks, Bob

  3. Thanks, Paulo.
    Bob, the DVDs should be ready by Oct. 1. About the Dinotopia site, there was a lot of overlaps with the James Gurney site, and not much time for maintenance, so we rolled them together for now.

  4. Are you playing with the YouTube form by using the 'clickbait' titles? I wonder if it's done playfully or it's a deliberate attempt to gain viewers. Do you worry it cheapens the video a little?

  5. Free, a title is only clickbait if it doesn't deliver. In this case the painting really doesn't go as planned.

  6. I would love a better understanding of why you use casein as an underpainting for goauche. Could you cover this in next video? I have always been a printmaker (copper plate etching) and am new to goauche.


  7. Whidbeywoman, if you'll check out this series of blog posts, there's quite a bit of discussion about when and why to use an underpainting.


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