Thursday, December 24, 2020

"Weird Al's" Drawing of Patrice

Here's a story from the inimitable "Weird Al" Yankovic. 
Hint: it ends with a pretty amazing drawing:

Happy holidays, everyone!
 "Weird Al"on Twitter, Weird Al's website, and the CD The Essential Weird Al Yankovic


  1. I like the style he used on her name - it looks like it could serve as a model for a mythical "Junior High School Guy Font".

  2. Ha! What a great story... Merry Christmas to you and family, and a Happy 2021! Stay safe and good luck out there, everyone!

  3. Obviously, he was/is talented in many respects. And its interesting how we derive the most pleasure from the simplest, human things. Here's a guy who, I assume, has no worries about money, enjoys great fame, is a huge success in his chosen field. He can afford to treat himself to great meals, expensive possessions. And what gives him the most pleasure: a girl from his pre-teen years remembers him, and has saved, all these years, a drawing he did for her. There's a world of wisdom in that simple story.

  4. What a cool story about weird Al! I have to say I agree with Robert Cosgrove's comment before me. And.... great talent at 12 by Al! Wow, what a cool drawing!
    Merry Christmas and thanks for always keeping us entertained and informed!

  5. I just love this story! Thank you for sharing it :)

  6. Such a great story. Thanks for posting it James!


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