Friday, July 23, 2021

Ask your question about on-location sketching

Hi, I'm gathering recorded questions to answer in a future YouTube video about Painting or Drawing on Location.  

The widget above lets you record a question on audio and send it to me. Please think about your question (keep it very brief) and give it a try. Be sure to include a name (real or made up). You get to review your question before it is sent. I may not get to all of the questions, but I'll try.


If you don't want to ask your question with audio, you can write it in the comments.


  1. What are some approaches to drawing very fast moving objects/scenes?
    -Andy Gordon @andygordonart

  2. That was fun! I recorded a question and it was easy and kinda cool!

  3. Hi, Susan, you came through nice and clear. Nice to hear your voice.
    Andy, good question!

  4. Admittedly not exactly a question about the process on-location, but submitted my recording asking about what happens, if anything, when the on-location works make it back to the studio. Appreciate you doing this! Take care :)

  5. If I try to ask something over voice, I'll redo it 800 times trying to sound better! :)

    I notice that you use M Graham gouache and watercolors when out and about. If they have the same color available in both watercolor and gouache, which do you choose and why? For instance, I'm looking to buy cerulean blue from them, but don't want to buy both the gouache and watercolor (it's a spendy color).

    Thanks for the mountains of knowledge. :)


  6. Hi James, as someone working in IT, I like how you include end user interaction and technology to art - its niche and cool! I left a question - hopefully it came out clearly

  7. I follow the advice of beginning multiple poses when sketching moving animals, but what are the ways to work around it while halfway through a painting?

  8. Hello Mr. Gurney. I paint in B&W gouache to try and learn value, but my sketches often turn out darker than I intended. How do I keep my light areas bright while trying to block in a scene so quickly and with changing light? Thank you!
    Phi(fee) Stover

  9. Hello James!,
    I'm quite shy and want to get into sketching on location ; I was wondering how to not draw attention (people coming over to talk) while drawing/painting outside?, or at least how to overcome this feeling.

    -Miguel Pineda

  10. Hi James, tried recording but no luck. What I wanted to ask is whether you think there is sometimes more value in capturing an impression of a place when painting outside, rather than trying to be true to life? E. G. In watercolour where it's harder to balance fine details

    Go raibh maith agat,


  11. Hi James! I realize this is not an on-location specific question but if you're open to sharing your thoughts, I'd love to hear how you recommend beginners start?
    For example, do you think learning to sketch comes before learning to paint with watercolors?
    Should one study perspective drawing in isolation prior to that?
    Can't wait to see what videos you come up with next!

  12. When you see a location you want to paint, how do you choose your composition? And how do know what to paint and what NOT to paint? As a beginner, I feel intimidated by the details in front of me. I am always fascinated by how you simplified the complex details into something that looks painterly yet realistic. Can you talk more about your thought process behind it? Thank you!


  13. Do you always work very small, plein air and if so, do a larger one in studio? And how compressed of a time limit do you do plein air?

  14. Hi James, my question is about speed painting: at the beginning we take longer time to paint a subject on location, how can we improve that ? Thanks, Kao.


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