New YouTube video covers:
1. Pathways of light reflected on water,
2. Hotspot priming
3. Contre-jour lighting.
4. The poetic traditions of glitter paths and moonpaths.
"Researchers demonstrated that when the superior colliculus was deactivated, the mice had difficulty identifying objects against various backgrounds. This indicates that the superior colliculus is involved in a parallel pathway for visual processing, highlighting its significance in the brain’s overall visual system."
It's all a reminder to us artists that the viewer's attention is primed for seeing faces in whatever image we create. The ability to recognize, orient to, and identify people by their faces is built into our brain structures.
So if you put a little more time into getting that face exactly right, your time is well spent.
Thanks to YouTuber Jan Matěják for featuring my book Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter in your shortlisted recommendations.
He says: "This one is hands-down the most valuable in my entire collection."