Saturday, September 26, 2009

Special Delivery

Yesterday morning our shipment of Imaginative Realism arrived, and we packaged up all the orders so far. Here's a look behind the scenes at our high-tech operation.

Amazon says they won't ship until October 20, so it's not too late for you U.S. customers to switch your order to the Dinotopia Store. Where else can you get a signed book, plus service from a parakeet and a puppet, and our unique C.R.U.D. service (Custom Rural Unicycle Delivery)?

Tomorrow: Don't miss the last installment of Video Week.


Steve said...

Hmm...Jeanette has an expression of "Where are we going to put all these boxes?" on her face. Based on an earlier blog, I kept looking for the monkeys to pitch in. Ah well...

John Calvin said...

Drat! I wish I had ordered mine earlier! My check is in the mail.

Michael "MR" Raaflaub said...

Too sad that you don`t ship to europe. I ordered an unsigned copy from amazon..
greets from switzerland

woos said...

Yeay!! CAN'T WAIT to get mine!! May you quickly run out of all those books! :)

ricardo said...

Oh, man. Too bad I had to buy from Amazon. It would be the coolest thing ever if mine could be signed.

Just wait til I get to the US, Mr. Gurney! Your hand will be sore! :D
(nah, i'm kiddn')

SVSART said...

Sigh... I have to wait until October 10 to get my copies...... Hope there's a bunch with him at LAAFA when he comes.

Cody said...

I think my book was the one third from the top! :) I hope anyway! Can't wait, thank you for the blog and books!

Unknown said...

How many takes did it take to unicycle yourself with that great pack of books into the postoffice?

James Gurney said...

Ivo--it took about four takes. Unis are great for driving shopping carts and such, but they're a bit unstable until you get moving.

SVSART--We'll have books with us at LAAFA and all the other LA gigs.

Steve--You knew exactly what Jeanette was thinking. Our former music room looks more like a warehouse.

Sorry we can't ship to my European friends, but I will be in Nantes for Utopiales, so maybe I can sign your books there.

Anonymous said...

So I jumped at the opportunity to get the book now with your inscription and accordingly cancelled my Amazon order. I was already looking forward to receiving it shortly when I notice on the site that there is no way to pay for it immediately but worse, you won't ship to Canada. Bummer!

Anonymous said...

Well I have the last laugh. My cancelled order was from
I decided to place the new order with in Canada, AND THEY ARE SHIPPING NOW!!!


Parka said...

It says the book is in stock on I've ordered mine.

jobi said...

Well, shame you cannot serve abroad. I put a programmed query on Abebooks... my copy's on the way

Noah Bradley said...

Just got my copy today! I was delighted to not only see a signature, but also a little sketch. :)

Thanks so much for writing this. I can't wait to read and learn from it.

Making A Mark said...

So sad you're not shipping to the UK!