Union Square in New York City has nice little cafe tables where you can set up for night sketching. Here's one I did last night.
The view is looking west toward the subway stop and the coffee shop.

I'm using a
Petzl E91 PL Tikkina 2 Headlamp
which has two LED light bulbs, two brightness settings, and an adjustable angle feature, so that you can aim it where you want it. (Thanks, Frank!)
i am trying to figure out where you set up.... was it by the statue of charity (women with a child and fountain underneath)?
Pen, According to Google maps, I was at 23 Union Square West, where East 16th Street meets the square. There's a coffee shop on the corner.
just when i thought you couldnt get any cooler! haha
Way kewl.
ahh thanks.. now i figured it out. you've painted the a south facing subway entrance - i was trying to figure out how the north facing would look like that.. anyway....(i commuted here for 5 years).
The "coffee shop' is actually a lounge/diner /hipster bar made famous by the show "sex and the city", like the show should have been, it was shut down for health violations a few years ago:
Have you ever thought about calling that fellow who does steampunk work and checking if he can steampunkify that headlamp for you? I bet it'd make for a pretty cool conversion!
(Also, the word verification here was "prialid". Sounds like a fitting name for an insectoid alien race. Actually, let me write that down...)
I attended a figure drawing session that was kept pretty dark, save for the lights on the model. So for awhile I was using one of those hats with LEDs in the brim -- it worked okay for me -- but was probably annoying for the models (and everyone else) as I looked from my easel to the model and back the couple thousand times necessary to finish the drawing. . .
Looks like there was a good amount of light all around you. I love head lamps especially the ones that you can direct like yours.
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