Wednesday is the day for a game called "Art By Committee,” where you illustrate an actual excerpt from a science fiction manuscript.

This week’s quote was:
“Stone emitted a kind of bark – ha! – and showed his teeth again.”This one was open to interpretation: is Stone a dog, a rock, or a man? Everyone cleverly illustrated the quote, but no one visualized it in the same way.
Be sure to scroll down to the end of the post for next week’s challenge.
...and the one from the original sketchbook. Now, here’s the challenge for next Wednesday. Hopefully your imagination will take over for the poor author, who apparently ran out of gas.

Have fun! Please scale your JPG to around 700 pixels across. Title it with your name, send it to: jgurneyart(at), subject line ABC, and let me know in your email if you want me to link to your blog or website. Please have your entries in by next Tuesday at noon.
I may have to join in this next ABC :) They look so fun!
There's a lot of diversity this week. Everyone's pieces were interesting and original.
Raluca's has a cool look. I initially thought it was a 3 dimensional assemblage. And Rob's made me laugh out loud.
Good job, Isaac.
Hahaha! These are brilliant! I love the easter island statues, and now that I think of it, bark could have also been interpreted as tree bark. Ah well, I had fun with this, and looks like everyone else did too. Oh, I thought Raluca's was 3D at first too. Next week's challenge looks fun, can hardly wait to get started!
Thanks Dave and Jen. Glad you got a kick out of my sketch. I'd like to imagine that all the worlds statues are a little mischievous when our backs are turned.
And fantastic job, as always, on both of yours. I look forward each week to seeing what you'll both come up with, and what you do always brings a smile.
Great styles and originality from everyone.
Oh,thanks for appreciateing my ''galactic Pavarottti'':))!!All your drawings are so original and funny:made me smile big time!And bring sooo different and CLEVER ideas( including the promissing young Isaac!:))!Congratulations!
The next week subject with the ''undescribable aspect''of that creature,sound really chalenging:))what shape can you draw for the 'unshape-able''?:))
Youre blogs an inspiration James. Please keep it up!
(I really wanted to call you 'Mr Gurney' for some reason!)
Rob Hummer and Anna Myers were my two favorites this week, but as always I enjoyed everyone's. Great work, all!
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