Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fountain Pen and Marker

Fountain pen and marker is a good combination for doing concept art sketches. The pen is an inexpensive Waterman pen from an office supply store. You can fill it with any color ink that you want, as long as the ink is watersoluble. Markers can then give the sketch a touch of color without dissolving the pen line. If you want to melt the penline, you can use a water-based pen, like the waterbrush I’ve mentioned on previous posts.

This thumbnail sketch was made for Dinotopia: First Flight


DThompson55 said...

Being self taught, I don't suppose there is a right way and a wrong way to do soluble inks. But this post got me thinking about my dried up, 30 year old, Mont Blanc which I will have to restore, perhaps over christmas, maybe with some nice sepia ink. That one is calling to me. But then, as a result of this post, I just started playing with various ball points sitting around and found that gel pens can be used for a nice ink and wash effect. I'll have to keep playing with them. Very inspiring. Thank you Jeanette for keeping the blog going.

Robyn Sinclair said...

Forgive me for butting in - I'm a shy admirer of this blog.

I just noticed dt's comment and wanted to encourage him to renovate his Mont Blanc - they make the most beautiful sketching pens. Mine is a big fat one and the ink always ran too quickly for my slow writing brain and beside, I always felt it was a bit pretentious but it has shown it loves to sketch with a starving artist. As a result it's getting a bit scratched and therefore less pretentious.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting idea. I must admit that I have never used such kind of pen but I want to try. On the photos it looks very cool and attractive. Also, if you need some writing help then you can apply to the essay writers