This July I will be offering a week-long workshop in creature design at the
Woodstock School of Art
and I hope to see you there.

Each student will design a Pan figure, "half man, half goat," a classic character from Greek mythology who appears throughout western art history.

Starting with sketches from the imagination, students will do observational studies of live goats and sheep and a posed human model. They can sculpt a maquette to work out the design in three dimensions, and they will also have access to ram’s skulls, rocks, and roots for reference.

By the end of the class each student will make a believable fantasy composition in the classic tradition. Students can choose their preferred medium for the final work, but I will be demonstrating in pencil, charcoal, and oil. I’ll also do a brief presentation each day on mythology, anatomy, or composition.
The title of the course is: CREATING REALISTIC FANTASY. Dates are: July27 - 31, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 4 PM. Cost: $400.
Age 18 or older, please. Some figure drawing experience expected. Limited to 25 students. First come, first served. For more information about enrollment and accommodations, contact the Woodstock School of Art at
their website, or call them at 845. 679. 2388
Oh man, I wish I lived in the US... That sounds like a great workshop!
Oh great, now I have to think about reshuffling my vacation schedule. It looks like it'll be such a good class!
Sounds amazing - wish I were closer!
Wow--wish I were closer too. On the other hand, it's such a good idea, I'm inspired to do it on my own.
Such workshops by experts is probably a very good way to improve your skills. (after basic training of course).
It's something you often see in technical and scientific areas but you hardly see it in arts (at least here in Belgium, possibly Europe).
haha, looks like you called the bluff of everyone who has been begging for a class with you, haha.
i would love to come down. i'll have to see about the date and hotel and everything. do you have any recomendations on hotel.
also any chance for people who can only make it for one or two days? also most important are these classes in tron-o-vision? should i bring my tron goggles!! haha. hope i can make it!
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