Stop-motion animator PES shares how he created his short 'KaBoom!' (Link to video)
He explains how he associates one object with another, both visually and conceptually. Everyday objects and toys found around the house stand in for the elements of a sequence of aerial bombardment.
As with all PES productions, the final film relies on a rich soundtrack to extend the impact of the visual. (link to video)
PES's website includes his 'haul videos,' where he scours the Long Beach Flea Market for used stuff and makes a taco out of a baseball glove.
In the children's picture book world, these visual puns have been perfected by Walter Wick in his Can You See What I See?
The comments on here are always so eloquent and well written, so I feel kind of silly saying this, but..That was awesome!
Why would anyone, in effect, make light of such a horrible thing as bombing?
Now I'm stuck watching all the PESfilm shorts. Thanks, James!
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