"This is the book that started it all" —Patrick O'Brien, MICA
James Gurney
This weblog by Dinotopia creator James Gurney is for illustrators, plein-air painters, sketchers, comic artists, animators, art students, and writers. You'll find practical studio tips, insights into the making of the Dinotopia books, and first-hand reports from art schools and museums.
You can write me at: James Gurney PO Box 693 Rhinebeck, NY 12572
or by email: gurneyjourney (at) gmail.com Sorry, I can't give personal art advice or portfolio reviews. If you can, it's best to ask art questions in the blog comments.
All images and text are copyright 2020 James Gurney and/or their respective owners. Dinotopia is a registered trademark of James Gurney. For use of text or images in traditional print media or for any commercial licensing rights, please email me for permission.
However, you can quote images or text without asking permission on your educational or non-commercial blog, website, or Facebook page as long as you give me credit and provide a link back. Students and teachers can also quote images or text for their non-commercial school activity. It's also OK to do an artistic copy of my paintings as a study exercise without asking permission.
Here's some thoughtful advice from Gordon Blacklock, 2009 World Gurning Champion. Gurning, the art of making funny faces, dates back to 1297 at the Egremont Crab Apple Fair.
Previous champion Tommy Mattinson was not able to take part this year.
My brother Dan and I have a long way to go if we want to uphold the family name in the 2010 championship. The competition might get ugly.
Let's face it; a transparent forehead, sunken green eyes, and nostrils that resemble eyes would be a tremendous asset. It's speciesist to restrict the competition to homo sapiens.
Gurning...Gurney. Did nobody pick up on that or am I just really slow. I didn't notice it the first time I read this.
This kind of reminds me of a girls mom that I knew in high school. She had the knack of photographing us at our absolute ugliest. I remember looking at photos of me that she'd taken and saying "I don't even think I can make that face if I tried."
Let's face it; a transparent forehead, sunken green eyes, and nostrils that resemble eyes would be a tremendous asset. It's speciesist to restrict the competition to homo sapiens.
Looking at that last family picture, I don't dare to ask what you ate for christmas and who prepared it.
Finally! A competition that I have a chance of winning! LOL!
"The competition might get ugly. "
I love it!
This does beg the question however, if there is a golden mean, a perfectly beautiful face, is there a perfectly ugly face?
james i believe you can do anything you put your mind too. if you work really hard at this i'm sure you can win.
looks like the other guys are missing teeth and vital jaw parts. if i can be of help i have a hammer and wrench....just let me know.
you can do it buddy!
Gurning...Gurney. Did nobody pick up on that or am I just really slow. I didn't notice it the first time I read this.
This kind of reminds me of a girls mom that I knew in high school. She had the knack of photographing us at our absolute ugliest. I remember looking at photos of me that she'd taken and saying "I don't even think I can make that face if I tried."
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