Here are some pen and marker sketches for the cover of James Blaylock's 1984 science fiction novel "Digging Leviathan." Blaylock was one of the originators of the "steampunk" movement.

The fish-shaped digging machine was made from spare parts found around the house: a garbage can, a roller skate, a brace and bit, a bicycle, some shovels, and an old umbrella. The character was inspired by the "subterranean prospector" device that he read about in E. R. Burroughs' novel "At the Earth's Core."
While still in the idea generating stage, I find it helps to draw something over and over again, because each time new ideas emerge. The final cover
Previously: Digging Leviathan, showing an unused color sketch.Wikipedia on "The Digging Leviathan"
Thank you
The more I see of Steampunk, the more I like it.
Too cool. I really need to practice drawing machines more as they are just so interesting and fun to look at. XD
Quite interesting to compare these three sketches:
The second one shows a human being, a pilot (pilotesse) controlling the consoles.
The first and third sketches are left without such a humanoid reference. Therefore they look much bigger.
In the second example the Diggin' Leviathan looks very un-leviathan: Shrunk to human proportions.
Thanks for posting these. I'm so glad steampunk/ clock punk/ diesel punk are gaining in popularity.
Cool! - mp
I love the "Pellucidar or bust" scribbles on the side! Hysterical!
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