When properly displayed in its cylindrical format, it's a wraparound experience akin to virtual reality, Small sculpted figures in the foreground to add to the illusion.
According to the New York Times, the painting "was prepared in Milwaukee by a team of German artists and was completed in 1886, when cycloramas...were a leading form of entertainment, and the colossal works traveled the country."
But over the years, it has fallen into neglect. Fortunately $35 million has been raised to restore it and to move it to a new home.
New York Times: On a Mission to save Atlanta's Civil War Cyclorama
Atlanta History Center
let me read it first :)
Interesting how we are challenging and confronting our history in so many ways - bringing an amazing illumination, if you will excuse the pun, to who we are as people, as creative sources, as political entities.
We got to see this when we lived in Atlanta, over twenty years ago. You get more out of it if you're familiar with the some detailed history of the battle. My husband thinks it's being moved away from the actual site where it took place. Atlanta seemed surrounded by battle sites, now peaceful memorial "green spaces."
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