Saturday, May 6, 2023

Illustrating the Coronation of George V

The Illustrated London News ran this painting of the coronation of George V in 1911. 

It was entitled: "He stands surrounded by the Officers of Heralds College"

The artists had to work fast to complete their drawings for the next day’s paper. “Every artist had a little notebook which he took out of the pocket of his frock coat and made dots in, putting down his top hat to do so.” Read more in the previous post: Covering the Coronation


Unknown said...

it’s so awesome you consistently post everyday and keep everyone informed on such a variety of topics. i’m a student and i love your artwork and everything else; your youtube channel is a huge inspiration to me ! as the school year comes to a close and life gets just a little more stressful in some sort of twisted denouement, i can always feel at ease watching you paint and talk about the craft. thanks, james !! <3

Astrid van de Kuilen said...

I really admire the artists of that time; I sketched some scenes of the coronation of King Charles while watching it on the BBC and used my phone to make quick photos and finish the drawings later on. Fun to do and no deadline for a paper ;) Thank you James for the interesting blogposts you make each day!