Laundromat. Three hours to kill.
I deploy easel and chair next to a washing machine. I leave just enough floor space for people to squeeze past me with their laundry hampers.
Takes a while to draw in all those darned colored gumballs. It crosses my mind: What if someone wants to actually buy a gumball and mess up the arrangement?
Should I post an "Out of Order" sign on it? No time. Gotta get it laid in.
Wait, what? A kid sneaks up behind me and jams a quarter into the slot. He spins the handle before I can say anything. Each time he cranks it, all the gumballs shuffle around inside.
“Hey, my still life!” I protest weakly.
He pops the gumball in his cheek and narrows his eyes. “What are you doing?” he says, between chews. “You an artist?”
Love this post. Thanks. My smile for the evening!!
P.S. Great painting!
Such a fun read, you should publish a book with these short stories and the paintings!
Made me laugh, thanks for sharing!
So beautiful, and the story is great!
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