I'm in Boston today with my wife Jeanette, and we'll be heading to Pennsylvania tonight.

On Thursday we enjoyed the music of the great violinist Mark O'Connor. Here's a sketch in watercolor that I did from the second row of his performance/lecture, arranged by the Harvard College American Music Association. I used a couple of hollow-handled brush pens and a very tiny watercolor set all balanced discreetly, but dangerously, in my lap.

I made this sketch yesterday during Mark's improvisation workshop, which our son attended with his accordion. I'm using watercolor again in the Moleskine drawing book. This paper has a heavy weight and a smooth texture, but it's really not made for watercolor, so the washes tended to bead up at first.
More on Mark O'Connor,
Link.Dan Gurney,
LinkMoleskine sketchbook blog,
I have been a fan of Mark O'Connor since I first heard the music from the Appalachian Waltz and Appalachian Journey CDs. If I only had one CD that I could listen to for the rest of my life, either one of them would suit me just fine. I bet the concert was fantastic! These watercolours are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing them -- almost as good as going to the show.
The drawing in the Moleskin drawing book could have been made by Rien Poortvliet. Best regards, William (Belgium)
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