For those new to the “Art By Committee” game, we start with an excerpt snipped from an actual science fiction manuscript. You illustrate the text either digitally or traditionally. Below is an example by James Warhola.

Read this week’s challenge below. It’s a real corker. I’ll bet all the solutions will be wildly different!

No rules or prizes, just a couple suggestions: please scale your JPEG or PNG files to no larger than 700 pixels across and title the file with your name. Let me know if you want me to link back to you when I post on Wednesday the 16th. Email all answers by Tuesday, April 15 at noon eastern time USA.
Tomorrow: Five More Dino Art Tips
Jim, you may want to delete 'akinogal's comment, I think it's a virus link.
Sounds like an excellent challenge round, though, and I can't wait for tomorrow's dino tips. I always struggle with suggesting texture without drawing too many scales and distracting from contour lines.
Ooh! Wish I could see your presentation. Of course, the weather's so darn nice here, I don't think I can leave just now.
I apologize in advance for whatever I might end up sending in response to this week's challenge. I don't think I can think of anything that's in good taste...
Hi, A. Fortis,
I know what you mean. There are a few sketches in the original book that I can't publish on the blog because they're way to outrageous. I'm not worried--bad taste is fine--but please do keep in mind that a lot of kids read the blog. Anything that goes in MAD Magazine would be cool.
I had the pleasure of attending the Society tonight...as inspirational as ever. Thanks James.
Thanks so much for coming to the Society talk, Larry.
For those who missed me there, I'll be doing the behind-the-scenes slide lecture at the New York Comic Con on Saturday, April 19 at noon.
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