No one expected a new baby in the manger, not even the farmer, Lenny.

When the vet checked out the donkey Peanut recently, he said she wasn't pregnant. He thought she was just a little fat.
So when Lenny was cleaning out Peanut's stall on Christmas day, he got a big surprise. He saw something dark moving and he thought a dog had gotten in there.

We arrived before the vet, and I did a portrait of her. Her name is Joy. She's not used to gravity yet, and she doesn't know how to move her feet to walk. She just stands there, swaying.
Every once in a while Peanut gives her a push to knock her off balance a little.
Previously: The two-week-old
Belgian filly on the same farm.
This is such a sweet, remarkable post -- the story itself and the way you've told it. The photograph (by Jeanette?), the drawing, all of it. I'm assuming Lenny called you to come over. (Parallels to shepherds or wise men receiving traveling directions will be brushed aside.) Such a spontaneous, charmed way to spend part of Christmas day. I love the line, "She's not used to gravity yet.."
Despite living a few years on a farm and being present for the calvings of the Jersey cow we had artificially inseminated, I won't claim adequate veterinary skills to judge, but it seems a little odd the vet missed the pregnancy. Tiny donkeys must be tricky to exam. Or, miraculously, Peanut hadn't been pregnant at the time...
A heartwarming post and drawing. Thanks for sharing.
Steve, Thanks for your compliments. The photo was by our son Dan, who's visiting from Ireland. Frank's home, too. Jeanette heard the news at the gas station from Lenny's wife.
We had been to the farm and had seen Peanut on Christmas day just three hours before she gave birth. She was a little more stand-offish than usual, but we didn't suspect anything.
You should do a baby animals sketchbook. Or a kids book based on the farm. All of your farm adventures are so heartwarming.
What a beautiful Christmas gift! Thank you for sharing this.
That's a story to make you smile. Would make a nice Christmas picture book.
GREAT story! Thanks James! And you're such a quick draw. I love the little drawing. I also love the part about the Mamma nudging the little thing to knock it off balance. I'm assuming so it gains balance.
hey that is a great story,
also on a side note, just saw avatar, i'm wondering if anyone else, includeing you james, saw a lot of dinotopia influence?
the special effects were great, story and dialog....not so much, worth seeing once anyway
Nice stort Mr Gurney! ><
hey, it's great)
Perfect timing and post.
I love it when God orchestrated the wonder and miraculous. Blessings to you
Man, this is just adorable !
Thanks, everyone. We'll try to stop by again this week and I'll give you an update about Joy.
Goo Goo--today's the day to check out Avatar. I'll let you know.
what a nice christmas story...
it got me thinking about nativity scenes.., have you ever seen that beautiful neoptolitain creche at the metropoltiain musuem of art?
talk about modeling! its like a 3d rennaissance painting...
Now, that was special. James, your drawing of Joy is absolutely precious and the story is just as precious. You have a wonderful gift, thank you for sharing.
Now that's a gift!!!
Wonderful story!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. What a sweet little portrait of Joy.
Surprise is right! That is so adorable.
Wonderful, miraculous and nature playing a joke on the knowledgeable! Love Joy may she bring much to you all.
Nice story & artistry for X-mas. Makes me wish I was still living on a farm (or even visiting one!). Cheers, Ben.
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